Saturday, April 10, 2010

Readathon: Hour Two

Pages read: 42
Snacks: Another hardboiled egg and more water. I noticed that I had half of a small bottle of Coke left so I stuck it in the freezer so I can have a Cokesicle in a few hours.
Blogs visited: 1

I can't help smiling when I think of Lawrence writing about a mother and daughter -- the mother is 50 and the daughter is 20-something, both beautiful -- sleepless and lammenting that there are so few "real men" in the world. They can see this with their "third eye" (intuition). A real man would be like the Great God Pan before he fell to the level of goat-satyr. Both Lou and Mrs. Witt got pretty weepy, imagining "an unfallen Pan." Right now, the whole lot of characters and some new minor ones are on a horseback trip to The Devil's Chair, which seems to be on the border of England and Wales. They're being led by Lewis, the Lawrence stand-in for this novel.


Unknown said...

Have a great Read-a-thon! Keep on Reading!

Anonymous said...

Just taking a quick reading break to stop by and say hello! Keep up the great reading (and what sounds like the great hard-boiled egg eating - which just so happens to have gotten me craving some of our delicious embryonic counterparts) and I have to say that you picked a great read - a little D.H. Lawrence is never a bad way to start the day! Happy marathoning!

Kathleen said...

Cokesicles? I used to make those when I was little...I loved them! Have fun reading!