Saturday, August 10, 2024

July's Reading Adventure

I was almost done with this post, and I lost it. The UNDO button was unsympathetic to my plight the third time my post disappeared. I guess it's because I kept ignoring AI's offers to "help [me] write".

In the interest of getting this done ahead of the sword of Damocles that all of a sudden lurks in this computer, I'm going to just hit the high notes.

New book group: Loved it. Love the format. This is my tribe. They seem to be in some sort of transition, though. Stay tuned.

Books read this month: 3. A meager number. I'm going to have to keep a daily reading diary to see what I'm actually doing.

1. Such a Fun Age -Kiley Reid. Novel. Audiobook.

2. Who Is Michael Phelps? - Micah Hecht. Nonfiction.

3. The Overstory - Richard Powers. Novel. Audiobook.

OK. I'm going to hit Publish now, so we've at least covered this much.


CLM said...

I liked Such a Fun Age and thought it would make a good discussion for my book group; that was before it was in paperback, which is one rule I try to insist on for my group.

Bybee said...

It's such a smart, engaging novel with clever curveballs, and how about Alix, a character you love to hate?

Sam said...

I have had partially written posts disappear on me a few times, but it happens more often when I'm leaving comments on certain other blogs. Not sure what causes that kind of thing to happen, but it's the most frustrating thing in the world to have happen to you. I hope you figure out what causes it...if you do, please let me know. lol