Thursday, April 27, 2017

In Which I Went to Lone Jack

Lone Jack MO.  This was important -- bucket list important -- and I kept putting it off for years.

Lone Jack, a town a few miles outside of Kansas City, was the site of an 1862 Civil War battle. One of the most famous characters in fiction lost his eye there: Rooster Cogburn from True Grit.

I haven't been having very much fun lately, but for one afternoon, I got to take a literary vacation of sorts.


Unruly Reader said...

Oh My Goodness. This is just too dood!

Totally jealous -- relatively obscure Civil War site, plus Literary Connection!

Well played, my dear Bybee.

Care said...

I've been to this museum! (I thought I already commented to that effect but nah? huh.)


A.P. said...
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