Sunday, April 22, 2012

Readathon: Hours 22-24

That's it -- the whole enchilada.  Whew.

Books read: 
1. The Higher Power of Lucky - Susan Patron
2. Shadow of a Bull - Maia Wojciechowska
3. It's Like This, Cat - Emily Cheney Neville
4. Shane - Jack Schaeffer

Page count:  592

I wish I could manage the whole 24 hours.  Are those days behind me?  I like to think that I just haven't stumbled onto the answer yet.  Maybe next time.

 In October, I plan to make another -- bigger -- Newbery stack, because it really worked well for me.  The books are of excellent quality, they aren't very long and I'm plugging all the gaps in my knowledge about children's literature.

I always think, at the end, that I'll spend all my time reading the next time, but I have this compulsion to see what everyone else is reading and snacking on, so I'll probably do some cheering again.

Okay, the brain now feels like an empty house with the windows up and the door left standing open and the eyeballs feel like they were left on the grill, so I'll say goodnight.


Teresa said...

I've long since given up on trying to make it through the whole 24 hours. The last time I tried, I was a mess for a week after. Good for you for making the effort, though!

Kate @Midnight Book Girl said...

I made it 22 hours of 24... I'm still mad at myself for giving up, but I was up for over 24 hours, so that's quite and achievement for my soon to be 35 year old self!

You read a lot! I spent too much time chatting with my blogger friends, but I also love being a cheerleader, and it's a good activity to do in the wee hours of the night.

Unruly Reader said...

Bybee -- You rocked that Read-a-Thon! Well done. Very well done.

Bittner said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier! I was so caught up in finishing my book for book club that I didn't have a chance to check out any other blogs! But congrats on getting so much reading done! You did way better then I did, I think I only made it to hour 19!

Melissa (Avid Reader) said...

You did awesome! I wish I could have made it all 24 hours too, but it was still great.

Christina said...

There's no way I could make it all 24 hours. I wouldn't make it until hour 18 unless I had work.

Congrats on finishing four books! And thank you so much for stopping by my blog to cheer me on.

Tami said...

You certainly made more progress on the TBR stack than I did. I learned a lesson about having a "less enthusiastic" reader sharing your readathon. :) Lot's of chatting, not much reading. But it was fun anyway.