Canadian Book Challenge: 50 Below Zero - Robert Munsch
I read and enjoyed this picture book back when The Spawn was an elementary school student and very much attached to anything Robert Munsch wrote. This was my favorite. I'm not sure which one The Spawn liked best. I do remember the time Robert Munsch came to town, though. I'd never seen a bookstore so full of people in my life. Fans of all ages were lined up clear out the door and down the sidewalk.
I ordered 50 Below Zero
Instead, I ended up reading it to my Native English 1 class. One of the units had a reading exercise about a woman who not only sleepwalked, she sleepdrove the car one night. There were also some discussion questions about the best way to handle sleepwalkers. We had 10 minutes left at the end of class, so I decided to read 50 Below Zero
What other children's books did you teach. I remember teaching children's lit was one of my favorite classes except for the grading.
We did the history of children's literature, nursery rhymes, fairy tales & they had to keep a reading journal of everything we read in class & they made bookmarks with a children's lit or reading theme and our big book for the class was Charlotte's Web. It was difficult to cover a lot of ground because of MT, holidays and the spring festival. I hope I get to teach it again!
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