Saturday, April 09, 2011

Readathon: Hour 18

I'm finished with my cheerleading duties, but I might go back again later. I like getting ideas about what to try next in the way of reading ...and eating.

Blogs visited: 14
Pages read: 0
Questions asked: My perfectly wonderful co-worker, Megan, asked me if I know of any good world literature book lists for high school students. I'm stumped, but have referred her to Eva. She's a good person to start with, but any other ideas?
Snacks: A mug of hot tea and milk with sugar


Carina (Reading Through Life) said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Are you still up and reading? If so, hope you're going strong. :-)

Unruly Reader said...

Thanks for visiting and spreading good cheer. Hope the rest of the Read-a-Thon treats you kindly -- some reading, some snacking, and then... some sleep.
- Unruly