Monday, December 22, 2008

Feverish Bookworm

The Library Situation is all settled now (definitely an early Christmas gift), but work has kicked into overdrive and illness is showing its dingy yellow fangs.

I think I'm going to make it to 100 books -- I'm on books 98 and 99 right now. I managed to reread The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread when I was lying in bed last weekend.

I've been dreaming in literature, but it's crazier than usual. In one dream, I was in New York, and agents and publishers kept mixing me up with Susan Issacs, Susan Sontag, Susan Fromberg Schaffer and Lynne Sharon Schwartz (????).

Last night, in another dream, I had the whole plot of a southern Gothic novel all dreamed out and ready to transcribe. I was certain that this was the creepiest novel ever and I could lay down my EFL mantle permanently. When I woke up, the whole novel crumbled to dust. All I can remember is something about an umbilical cord buried under a tree that was sending messages to a young boy. Bye, bye Pulitzer Prize!


Stacy said...

Hmmm...those are strange dreams. I have been reading Wodehouse, so quite a few of my dreams have taken place in Totleigh Towers and I am dressed like Bertram Wooster. I suppose it doesn't help that I am falling asleep listening to Wodehouse audiobooks. Congratulations on the new job!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the new job. That's great news for the holiday.

I think you'll make it to 100.

Jeane said...

Your literary dreams are so entertaining. I'm glad you share them. My dreams are pretty mundane, circling around household chores and children with tantrums.

Anonymous said...

Keep going! You'll make a hundred!

maggie moran said...

Hi Bybee! I stopped by to wish you a wonderful holiday season filled with books!

darkorpheus said...

Being mistaken for Susan Sontag seems like a good dream. You just need that white streak in your hair.

Merry Christmas and a great 2009 to you and your family.

Bookfool said...

Congrats on the new job, Bybee! Umbilical cord? Weird.

John Mutford said...

Merry Christmas

SFP said...

Merry Christmas, Ms. Bybee.

Melwyk said...

Merry Christmas! It sounds like 09 will be starting off great -- just make sure you keep sharing your fabulous literary dreams. :)

Eva said...

I always love hearing your dreams. :) And congrats on the job! (I swear I left this comment earlier, but now it's not here...)

Bybee said...

I'd love to have a Wodehouse dream!

Dark Orpheus,
I love that white streak of Sontag's...gonna try to cultivate my own...