Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekly Geeks: Discovering New Blogs

Is Dewey a genius, or what? She gave the usual reading challenge stuff a neat half-twist and has challenged our community to get our blogging butts in gear as well with the creation of Weekly Geeks. Every week will bring a new challenge for us to do something freaky and creative with our blogs. She even threw in a chocolate monkey bribe. I'm there! Dewey, you SO have got the skills!

Our first challenge is to discuss new blogs we've discovered lately. This is great timing [again with the brilliance, Dewey; hold up while I go fetch my sunglasses!] because I found a blog yesterday that knocks my socks off: Here In Korea by Sandra, who is an American living in Korea with her husband and 2 children. I haven't read through her whole blog yet, but I think they've been here since the early 2000s.

Sandra makes expats look good, because she's really worked on assimilating into the culture. I am particularly impressed with her diligence in attending classes to learn how to speak Korean. But she's not a totally goody-goody expat. In her wonderfully lucid and readable blog posts, she also details the frustrations of living in this REALLY DIFFERENT culture, but serves it all up with good humor. Her powers of observation are astounding as well. I found myself laughing, nodding in recognition but also saying "Cool! I didn't know that!"

What? You're still here? Get off my blog this instant and go check out Here In Korea! Sandra's post about the pigs and the garbage won my heart and made me an instant fan.


Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Hee! You're discovering Sandra and I'm finding you!

This is a fun thing Dewey's invented.

Choco Pie said...

*Blush* Thanks for the nice review. I've been enjoying your blog for quite some time now. Since I've started learning Korean, I haven't been reading as much, so I get my fix vicariously through your posts. Keep up the good work!

Melody said...

Hi Bybee! I am visiting you as part of Weekly Geeks and I really enjoy reading your blog. :)

jenclair said...

Thanks for the link! Enjoyed my visit to Sandra's blog!

Tara said...

This is a fascinating blog! I love reading ex-pat stories. Thanks for the link.