Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Matrimony Book Giveaway: The Winner!

Joemmama is the winner of Matrimony by Joshua Henkin.

Congratulations, Joemmama! Send your address to my email. I'll forward it on to Mr. Henkin, and soon, your signed paperback copy will be winging its way to you. Happy reading!


Jeane said...

Hi. Just dropped by to say you've received a blog award!

Clare - The Super Mommy Club said...

Hi Bybee - I hope you don't mind me letting your readers know that if they weren't lucky enough to win a copy of matrimony here I have a copy to give away over at Blue Archipelago - closes on August 31 and the link is http://www.clareswindlehurst.com/bookreviews/2008/08/17/sunday-salon-a-giveaway-matrimony-by-josh-henkin/

joemmama said...

WOO HOO.....I won!!!! I am so excited. Thanks so much!

Gentle Reader said...

Congrats Joemmama. And Bybee, I'm stopping by to say you're tagged for a meme. Come by and see if you'd like to join in!

joemmama said...

I sent my info..let me know if you didn't get it!

Susan said...

Tag - You're it!! http://susanflynn.blogspot.com/2008/08/book-meme.html
It's a fun and SHORT meme, very short...but surprisingly challenging....